Exeter Twinning Circle is a voluntary organisation established to promote twinning in Exeter with Rennes in France, Bad Homburg in Germany and Terracina in Italy.

We aim to promote contact, cooperation, friendship and understanding between the people of Exeter and groups, organisations and institutions in our twinned towns.

We organise a regular programme of official exchange visits with our twin cities. Also, if you join Exeter Twinning Circle,  you can meet other members at social events organised throughout the year.

A brief history of Exeter’s twinning can be found by clicking here: https://exetertwinningcircle.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/A-ETC-twinning-history-PNB.doc

For answers to frequently asked questions about Exeter Twinning Circle, please click on this link: https://exetertwinningcircle.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/A-QA-twinning.doc


Find out more – read  Our Constitution

Fancy joining us?  Please email our Membership Secretary using the address below or fill and send the application form on the Contact/Join page on the menu tab above.

Who’s who


Cath Jones


Membership Secretary

Rosalind Beetham


 (please direct any membership enquiries here)